HnrJr. Ch. IntJr Ch. NatJr. Ch. Graceful’s My Love Obsession  “Rose”

Date of Birth: 11/11/2023

Mya is out of our “Mya” IntCH. Graceful’s My-A Girl Crush CGC and “Romeo”  BISS GCHB Am CH Int’l RBIS Dalane Rose Tree Whirlwind Romance RN CA CGC TKN DJ D

Puppy I dream about producing. She is smart, calm, playful and absolutely stunning taking on the best of both her mother, Mya, and her father, Romeo.  She is balanced, already at this young age moves like a dream and has the melting expression my lines have become known for.  We proudly introduce the newest member of our breeding program, Miss Rose.

Rose has had some amazing accomplishments so far in her young show career.  Including her first show International Dog show where she went BEST PUPPY IN SHOW.  Roses First AKC show was the Atlanta Golden Retrieve Specialty where she went Reserve Winners Bitch for a 4 pt major and BEST PUPPY IN SPECIALTY. We are VERY excited to see her future.

Rose 15 months old:

Rose: 4 months old:

Rose: 8 weeks:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Roses sire: BISS GCHB Am CH Int’l RBIS Dalane Rose Tree Whirlwind Romance RN CA CGC TKN DJ DS 


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Rose’s Mother, Mya : IntCH. Graceful’s My-A Girl Crush CGC 

Mya pictured below is winning a reserve Best In Show, International Dog Show.

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